Sam xo

Wedding | Pelser & Jana

“I never loved you any more than I do, right this second. And I’ll never love you any less than I do, right this second.”

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Wedding | Theuns & Rika

Love lets you find those hidden places in another person, even the ones they didn’t know were there, even the ones they wouldn’t have thought to call beautiful themselves.

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Wedding | Jan and Tanya’s bushveld wedding

May your hands be forever clasped in friendship
And your hearts joined forever in love.
Your lives are very special,
God has touched you in many ways.
May his blessings rest upon you
And fill all your coming days.

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Engagement | Theuns en Rika

“We’ve danced in the risk of each other. Would you like to dance around the world with me?”

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Wedding | Gerhard & Nachy

“I love it when you run your fingers through my rugged hair,
I love it when you get jealous because other boys will stare,
I love it when you call me beautiful and compliment me so…..”

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Wedding | Riaan & Marlè

“Soul mates…two halves of the same soul joining together in life’s journey”

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Racing Towards Miracles: The Journey to Leroux Rein’s Birth

Racing Towards Miracles: The Journey to Leroux Rein’s Birth

It was incredible to whisper courage into your ears and see you take leaps moments later towards our freedom. You had many holes in your body, but I tried to hold your hand through this time and be there as much as possible, so that you wouldn’t go through it alone. Some holes in your body, some in mine. Daddy and I took turns to cover the day shift as well as the night shift.