From the start, the dream of a natural water birth fueled my journey into motherhood. Assembling a pro-natural birth team, we eagerly looked forward to the moment of meeting my son
Complications arose when the attending doctor suggested a C-section, unwilling to support a VBAC. Determined for a positive birthing experience, I chose to wait for my doctor’s opinion, arriving later that evening. The option to labor through the night with a C-section as Plan B set the tone for a night of anticipation and hope.
Our home birth story reaffirms that plans may evolve, but trust in the mind and body prevails. Armandt’s arrival, the placenta complication, and our hospital visit became integral parts of our unique journey.
I started losing ‘the head game’ as the pain in my back became very overwhelming and I started vomiting. If it hadn’t been for Sam who came as birth photographer but jumped in as doula to direct my husband, I think my husband would have run away at this point.
At 19:55 I am trying to stall labour and Christel says that they will video call hubby because he won’t make it in time. I’m trying my best to not push… feeling the urge to bear down is uncontrollable. I don’t lift my head at all, concentrating and steadying myself with one hand on the bath floor.
I jumped up and started cleaning the house a little, breathing through them easily using the HypnoBirthing-breathing techniques during and between surges.

Racing Towards Miracles: The Journey to Leroux Rein’s Birth
It was incredible to whisper courage into your ears and see you take leaps moments later towards our freedom. You had many holes in your body, but I tried to hold your hand through this time and be there as much as possible, so that you wouldn’t go through it alone. Some holes in your body, some in mine. Daddy and I took turns to cover the day shift as well as the night shift.

Jubilee Baby’s Miraculous Arrival
In a tale of divine revelation and unyielding faith, a couple’s jubilee celebration unfolds through the intricacies of childbirth. Amid unexpected turns and steadfast conviction, they witness the miraculous arrival of their son, Joah Judah Schoonbee, a testament to enduring belief and God’s providence.