Sam xo

Waldi’s Sacred Birth: Embracing New Beginnings

Nothing overly strenuous. A leisurely stroll, squats, and rhythmic movements ensued to ease the process. A subsequent check two hours later unveiled a dilation of 4cm around 9 o’clock. We persisted with various activities, including a soothing shower that alleviated some discomfort. At approximately 5 to 6 cm dilation, the doctor opted to break my water, heralding the need for progress.

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Complications arose when the attending doctor suggested a C-section, unwilling to support a VBAC. Determined for a positive birthing experience, I chose to wait for my doctor’s opinion, arriving later that evening. The option to labor through the night with a C-section as Plan B set the tone for a night of anticipation and hope.

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Birth | Lieke Pienaar | Centurion HypnoBirthing Birth Photographer

I jumped up and started cleaning the house a little, breathing through them easily using the HypnoBirthing-breathing techniques during and between surges.

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Birth | Hayden de Jager | Pretoria Birth Photographer

The next hour was the hardest for me, it felt like torture. It had gotten dark and we lit candles around the bath. I was trying all different positions, but struggled to find something bearable. I had worked so hard on breathing and relaxing, but when the contractions came it was so crushing, all I could do was ride it out and wait for it to be over.

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Birth |10 Reasons to hire a birth photographer | Johannesburg and Pretoria Birth Photographer

There is a whole new world of memories that opens up to you, your partner, your family and your baby when investing in birth photography. Here are my top 10 reasons everyone should have a birth photographer.

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Birth | Eliyah’s surprise Birth | Pretoria Birth Photographer

“Joy is not the result of getting what you want; it is the way to get what you want. In the deepest sense, joy is what you want.” – Alan Cohen
Having had no choice but to deliver her first two children via c-section, her third child was the last chance Mercia had to experience a natural birth – and it went swimmingly.

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Racing Towards Miracles: The Journey to Leroux Rein’s Birth

Racing Towards Miracles: The Journey to Leroux Rein’s Birth

It was incredible to whisper courage into your ears and see you take leaps moments later towards our freedom. You had many holes in your body, but I tried to hold your hand through this time and be there as much as possible, so that you wouldn’t go through it alone. Some holes in your body, some in mine. Daddy and I took turns to cover the day shift as well as the night shift.